Triumphant promotion. Part two
Probably you have thought that the major promotion of the year was over
Probably you have thought that the major promotion of the year was over. No, of course not! We've prepared such conditions for you that after reading them you'll have no doubts that the Company has reached the TRIUMPH! If you are not yet at the top of success, catch up soon! Use the knowledge you received, use the inspiration and motivation from the event! Use the conditions of the promotion for its direct purpose! Dare! You will succeed without a doubt.
DATES OF PROMOTION: 14.11.2021 – 21.11.2021
Get presentation product for extra activity purchases:
- Generate additional volume equal to 100 PV or more and receive an additional 25% in product from the presentation*.
- Generate additional volume equal to 200 PV or more and receive an additional 50% in product from the presentation*.
- Generate additional volume equal to 550 PV or more and receive an additional 200% in product from the presentation*.
Note that you can choose any Acumullit SA product as your presentation product, except of AIR and HPY.
Get presentation product for status upgrade:
- If you enroll or upgrade your GOstatus you will receive an additional 200% in presentation product* (of the actual payment).
Note that you can choose any Acumullit SA product as your presentation product, except of AIR and HPY.
*Have a look at the rules of getting the presentation product; the rules are actual from March, 1 2018.
You can learn if the promo is available in your country when placing an order in the online shop.